Parent Council Constitution

Rosehall Primary School Parent Council Constitution

1: The objectives of Rosehall Primary School Parent Council (RPSPC) are:

  • To work with the school to create a happy and successful learning environment for all pupils.
  • To raise funds, apply for and receive grants and accept gifts for the benefit of the school.
  • To encourage active participation of parents and carers in the education of children at Rosehall Primary
  • To extend a warm welcome to new children and their parents or carers
  • To represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters pertaining to the education and welfare of the children.
  • To promote equality or opportunity for all pupils.
  • To engage with groups and individuals in the local community and beyond to enhance learning opportunities for all pupils.

2.   Membership of the RPSPC is a minimum of three parents of children attending the school.

3.   Any parent or carer of a child at the school can volunteer to be a member of RPSPC. All parents will be given the opportunity to select members.

4.   Parent Council members serve for a maximum period of two years after which they may put themselves forward to re-selection if they wish.

5.   RPSPC may co-opt up to three members to assist in carrying out its functions.  These members may serve for a period of two years after which their membership will be reviewed.

6.   Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer will be agreed by RPSPC members. Office bearers will be re-selected on an annual basis at the AGM to which all parents will be invited.

7.   Emergency meetings can be called at short notice for exceptional circumstances.

8.         The AGM will be held in September of each year. Notice of the meeting date, time and place will be sent to all members at least two weeks in advance. The meeting will include

  • A report of the work of the parent council.
  • Discussion of issues.
  • Approval of accounts and appointment of auditor.

9.         The RPSPC will meet at least once in every school term.  Should a vote be necessary to make a decision, each parent member at the meeting will have one vote, with the Chairperson having a casting vote in the event of a tie.

10.       If a member acts in a way considered to by other members to undermine the objectives of the RPSPC their membership shall be terminated if the majority of the parent members agree. Termination will be confirmed in writing.

11.       Copies of the minutes of the meetings will be available to all parents and teachers at the school office for inspection and return.

12.       The treasurer is responsible for the accounts and management of the bank account. Withdrawals and payments are subject to approval by members of the RPSPC. The treasurer will keep an accurate record of all income and expenditure and provide a summary at each meeting. Accounts are audited by a designated person with appropriate qualifications on a yearly basis.

13.       RPSPC may change its constitution after obtaining consent from members.

14.       Should RPSPC cease to exist any remaining funds will be transferred to the school.